XT4/UE 250/S/25/M/E GSCL003A/1 130001

Name: XT4/UE 250/S/25/M/E GSCL003A/1 130001
Company: ABB S.p.A.
Production unit: Via E. Fermi 40 - 03100 Frosinone (FR) - Italy
Reference Year: 2021
Type: Switches
Category: electronic and electrical products

This EPD refers to the single circuit breaker XT4/UE 250/S/25/M/E GSCL003A/1 130001, manufactured by ABB S.p.A. in its production site located in Via E. Fermi 40 - 03100 Frosinone (FR) - Italy

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0523
Issue date: 12/04/2023
Update date: 12/04/2023
Expiry date: 11/04/2028
CPC Code: 46212

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