Butyl double-sided & fleece membranes & tapes

Name: Butyl double-sided & fleece membranes & tapes
Company: Isoltema S.p.A.
Production unit: Via dell'Industria, 2 - 47020 Longiano (FC) Italy
Reference Year: 2022
Type: Waterproofing membranes
Category: construction products

This EPD refers to the Butyl double-sided & fleece membranes & tapes high-performance butyl compound and protective film (Double sided tapes (T1520); Double sided tapes (BK); Bu-Tylene Fleece Brico | NTA (T1520); Bu-Tylene Fleece Brico | NTA (BK)), manufactured by Isoltema S.p.A. in its production site located in Via dell'Industria, 2 - 47020 Longiano (FC) Italy

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0624
Issue date: 14/02/2024
Update date: 14/02/2024
Expiry date: 14/02/2029
CPC Code: 5453

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