Autoclaved aerated concrete Xella Italia S.r.l.

Name: Autoclaved aerated concrete Xella Italia S.r.l.
Company: Xella Baustoffe GmbH
Production unit: Xella Italia S.r.l. Via Cervellina, 11 - 29010 Pontenure (PC) Italy
Reference Year: 2021
Type: concretes
Category: construction products

This EPD refers to the unreinforced building blocks of various sizes in aerated autoclaved concrete, manufactured by Xella Baustoffe GmbH in its production site located in Xella Italia S.r.l. Via Cervellina, 11 - 29010 Pontenure (PC) Italy.
This EPD is registered as a result of mutual recognition between EPDItaly and IBU.

Reg. No.: MR-EPDITALY0062
Issue date: 04/10/2022
Update date: 04/10/2022
Expiry date: 03/10/2027
CPC Code:

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