Aluminium billets

Name: Aluminium billets
Company: novALmec S.r.l.
Production unit: Via Petrarca, 560 Loc. Romanore - 46034 Borgo Virgilio (MN) Italy
Reference Year: 2022
Type: Aluminum products
Category: construction products

This EPD refers to the Aluminium billets: Alloy EN AW 6060, Alloy EN AW 6063, Alloy EN AW 6005, Alloy EN AW 6082, manufactured by novALmec S.r.l. in its production site located in Via Petrarca, 560 Loc. Romanore - 46034 Borgo Virgilio (MN) Italy

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0575
Issue date: 17/02/2024
Update date: 17/02/2024
Expiry date: 17/02/2029
CPC Code: 4153

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