
Name: Cements
Company: Buzzi Unicem S.r.l. - Via Luigi Buzzi, 6 – 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
Production unit: Arquata, Augusta, Barletta, Fanna, Guidonia, Monselice, Robilante, Settimello, Siniscola, Trino, Vernasca
Reference Year: 2021
Type: Cements
Category: construction products

This EPD refers to the average cement of the cements produced in each of the production units located in the following cities: Arquata, Augusta, Barletta, Fanna, Guidonia, Monselice, Robilante, Settimello, Siniscola, Trino, Vernasca.
The EPD also refers to the average cement of the previously mentioned production units.

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0025
Issue date: 21-11-2017
Update date: 31-12-2022
Expiry date: 25-09-2024
CPC Code: 37440

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