Who chose EPDItaly tells its story: Manini Prefabbricati SpA

Anna Rita Rustici, Marketing & Communication Manager Manini Spa


Manini Prefabbricati is Italy’s leading group in the prefabrication of industrialized building systems, structures and components. Manini Prefabbricati SpA was founded in Assisi in 1962 and, in 2001, while maintaining its own identity and management independence created an equal partnership with MC Prefabbricati SpA, giving birth to MC – Manini Prefabbricati SpA. The company decided to rely on EPDItaly to obtain EPD certification for some products.

In this regard, we interviewed Anna Rita Rustici, Marketing & Communication Manager Manini, who told us about the reasons that led the company to adopt EPD certification and what are the advantages of this document.

What are the main motivations that pushed you toward voluntary EPD certification?

The main motivation is our desire for continuous improvement: technology and innovation have always been in our DNA and are the company’s guiding spirit. We also have an in-house research and development department that deals with these issues, and we recently published our fifth sustainability report; we were the absolute pioneers in our industry. We constantly feel the need to improve and measure our improvement.

Which products in your company have obtained EPD? What are the main features?

The Manini products that have obtained EPD certification are the pillars, beams, floors and infill panels; however, what I would like to emphasize is that, following the renewal of EPDs that we concluded this year, we have verified how the performance has significantly increased and emissions have considerably decreased. This was due to the company’s commitment to implementing production cycles in the plant, choosing suppliers and materials, again with a view to continuous improvement.

What are the main benefits obtained from the publication of the Environmental Product Declaration? What are the impacts on the end consumer?

We did not want to certify products and publish EPDs for mere commercial advantage, but out of a desire to gain greater awareness. The benefit we wish to give our customers is precisely this awareness: we want them to be aware, in a clear way, of the product they are buying and what its characteristics are. We also hope that our competitors can certify their products, for objective and transparent comparison.

Do you think EPDItaly can help spread the culture of product sustainability?

We are fully convinced of the importance of promoting a culture of sustainability; it is no coincidence that we founded an engineering academy to train our stakeholders. Therefore, I believe that a Program Operator like EPDItaly can contribute substantially and professionally to spreading the culture of sustainability for both industry stakeholders and also product users.

How important, in your opinion, is the presence of Italian sustainable products within a Program Operator that makes international networking one of its strengths?

I think it is fundamental because it facilitates comparison and growth among global players for a common purpose, which is sustainability and safeguarding the planet. Comparing in an international context is undoubtedly an opportunity for everyone.