PCR Technical – Chemical products for building and construction industry – received by EPDNorge

Name: PCR Technical - Chemical products for building and construction industry
State: expired
Creator: EPDNorge
GPI version:
Product code:
Geographical validity:
Consultation start date:
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Review start date:
Review end date:
Publication date: 06/10/2021
End of validity date: 06/06/2023
Last review:

The Sub-PCR EPDItaly034 was implemented by the Program Operator EPDNorge.
This Sub-PCR must be used in accordance with Core-PCR: PCR ICMQ 3.0.

Attached the link to the original PCR: https://www.epd-norge.no/getfile.php/1321023-1633592287/PCRer/NPCR_009_PART_B_for_technical_chemical_products_15804%20A2%20ver3%20061021.pdf

CPC linked:
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