EPDItaly 013: Core PCR for wind turbines

Name: PCR for wind turbines
State: public
Creator: ENEL - Ing. Giuseppe D'Andrea - Ing. Massimo De Pieri, LCE Engineering
Moderator: Ing. Stefano Rossi, LCE Engineering
GPI version: 4.0 e 5.0 and later
Product code: Electrical Energy
Geographical validity: Global
Consultation start date: 03-02-2020
End date of consultation: 16-02-2020
Review start date: 24-02-2020
Review end date: 06-03-2020
Publication date: 16-03-2020
End of validity date: 15-03-2026
Number: EPDItaly 013
Last review:

Rev.1.1 must be mandatorily used starting from 15/03/2025.
Rev.1.1 does not introduce any changes to the PCR compared to Rev.1 but solely extends its validity by one year.

Review performed by: Ing. Daniele Pace, Arch. Michele Paleari, Ing. Sara Toniolo

CPC linked: 171
Product category: Electrical Energy

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