EPDItaly007:PCR for electronic and electrical products and systems – Rev. 3.0

Name: PCR for electronic and electrical products and systems
State: public
Creator: ICMQ S.p.A. -
Moderator: Eng. Ugo Pannuti - ICMQ Spa
GPI version: 5.0 and later
Product code: electronic and electrical products and systems
Geographical validity: Global
Consultation start date: 03/10/2022
End date of consultation: 03/11/2022
Review start date: 30/11/2022
Review end date: 16/12/2022
Publication date: 13/01/2023
End of validity date: 19/01/2025
Number: EPDItaly007
Last review:

PCR compliant to EN 50693:2019

We inform you that the use of this version will be mandatory starting from 15/04/2023, allowing a period of coexistence of 3 months with the previous Revision "Rev. 2”, in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new PCR.

CPC linked: 46
Product category: electronic and electrical products and systems

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EPD using this PCR: Manufacturer
Lithium iron phosphate battery cell Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited
OS_UP2020Lite_L8 for outdoor installations Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
1. CCI_Wally A+; 2. DSO Gate Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
RIO UP 1 Channels Indoor; RIO UP 1 Channels Outdoor; RIO UP 4 Channels Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
BIPIANO COMPARTMENT – ENEL 161941 registration number Messina Energia S.r.l.
LINE COMPARTMENT Enel GSCM 690/09 (GSCM 696/1) Messina Energia S.r.l.
High voltage undergroud cable Prysmian Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd
High voltage 33/66 kV undergroud cable Prysmian Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd
Railway signaling cable EPR/PCP 650/1.100 V 1X2.5 RM flexible ICME ECAB S.A.
Underground cable ARE4EX 3X150 + 1X95RM COMP 0.6/1 (1.2) kV; Aerial cable AL/XLPE/XLPE BUNDLED TYPE IV 3X70+1X54.6 RM STRANDED 0.6/1 (1.2) kV ICME ECAB S.A.
AXLJ-F 12/20 (24) kV 3X240 RM stranded Hellenic Cables S.A.
ARE4*OCE 0.6/1 (1.2) kV 3X95 RM stranded; ARE4H5EX 12/20 (24) kV 3X185 RM stranded Triplex Hellenic Cables S.A.
Transformer – OTN ECO+P 50,4-63 MVA 230-26,4 kV SEA Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A.
Transformer – OTN ECO+P 25 MVA 132 26,4 kV SEA Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A.
DUB02CT23 (SWITCHES) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
VMUMCAS1I2EM (METERS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
UWP40RSEXXX UWP40RSEXXXSE (FIELDBUS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
UWP30RSEXXX UWP30RSEXXXSE (FIELDBUS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
SHSUT (FIELDBUS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
SH2MCG24 (FIELDBUS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
SH2DSP24 (FIELDBUS) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
EM24DINAV53XE1X (ENERGY) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
DMB01CM24 (TIMER) Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.
LV switchgear (cod. 160125) Electric Power S.r.l.
ZHW58A-72.5 Hybrid Gas-Insulated Switchgear Jiangsu Rugao High Voltage Electric Apparatus Co., Ltd
Quadro BT (cod. 160125) Butori Serafino S.r.l.
I-TRON MICRO, I-TRON ZERO, I-TRON 1, I-TRON 2 AEC Illuminazione S.r.l.
Denia 3460 LED street lighting fixtures Disano Illuminazione S.p.A.
400 kVA Distribution transformers: DT3316 and DT3317 (110081) KONČAR Distribution and Special Transformers
400 kVA Distribution transformer: DT3308/1 (110092) KONČAR Distribution and Special Transformers
Electro-hydraulic control module CAN bus 8NG5 Walvoil S.p.A.
ZHW58A-145 Hybrid Gas-Insulated Switchgear Shanghai Sieyuan High Voltage Switchgear Co.,Ltd.
PASS M0 DCB 145/170kV, hybrid high-voltage module standard device and alternative drive device Hitachi Energy Italy S.p.A.
S19 Cell Module BYD Auto Industry Company Limited
EFACEC Swithgear FLUOFIX 24 kV [CIS+2DC(M)] Efacec Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A.
EFACEC Swithgear FLUOFIX 24 kV [2IS(M)+CIS] Efacec Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A.
EFACEC Swithgear QBN7 Efacec Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A.
EFACEC Swithgear NORMACEL Efacec Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A.
LVM Low Voltage Manager Bitron Poland SP. z.o.o. - A Bitron Group Company
Copper Clad Steel CONDUCTORS: 35MM2, 16MM2 Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
Galvanized Steel (GS) Wires: 3-8, 5-16 Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced Cable) electric CONDUCTORS Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
ALL ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR: AAC 1/0 AWG Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
Underground LV (3x, 4x) cables Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
Underground LV (1x) cables Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
Protected MV cables Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
ABC (Aerial Bundled Cable) Henan Huaxing Cables Co., Ltd
Electrical panel for secondary cabins for 2 switches with a rated current from 125-250 A. NTET code: N0CE0177. ENEL type: GSCL002/1. ENEL serial number: 160125 NTET S.p.A.
EMC300 MV metering system XJ Metering Co., Ltd.
Electrical wires and cables Condumax – Eletro Metalurgica Ciafundi LTDA
Metal Oxide Surge Arrester: YH10W-12/38 1.17KG 12KV Wenzhou YiKun Electric Co., Ltd.
Autotransformer – OTN ECO+P6 MVA 20/15 kV SEA Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A.
Smart String Energy Storage System Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Disconnect Switches (GW4-420DW, GW7-72.5DW, GW7F-126DW, GW7F-145DW, GW7F-170DW, GW7F-252DW, GW7F-420DW) Shandong Taikai Disconnector Co., Ltd.
Disconnect Switches (GW4-40.5DW, GW4-72.5DW, GW4-126DW, GW4-145DW, GW4-170DW, GW4-252DW) Shandong Taikai Disconnector Co., Ltd.
T/D 3F 250 10kV E-MT-021 EDELNOR (Peru) Industrias Electromecánicas Magnetrón S.A.S.
T/D 3F 150kVA 11.4 kV aceite mineral (Colombia) Industrias Electromecánicas Magnetrón S.A.S.
T/D 3F 50KVA 23/0,4KV (Chile) Industrias Electromecánicas Magnetrón S.A.S.
2.7MWh Air-cooled Cabin Energy Storage System Hefei Gotion High-tech Power Energy Co.,Ltd.
ECS2900 series battery storage system FOXESS Co., Ltd.
Cable 1: LV SINGLE-CORE CONCENTRIC CABLE 1×16+10C; Cable 2: LV AERIAL BUNDLED CABLES 0,6/1 (1,2) kV3x150+80 mm2 Condumax – Eletro Metalurgica Ciafundi LTDA
Three-phase column transformer model 8000U23068(10v5) Elettromeccanica Tironi S.r.l.
SF6 insulated RB SERIES compartment: RB8-3 EA S.r.l.
SF6-insulated GSCM004 compartment: GSCM004-2 EA S.r.l.
SF6-insulated GSM SERIES compartment: GSM-1 EA S.r.l.
RB6 series compartment equipped with SF6-insulated IMS: RB6 – 9 EA S.r.l.
Three-phase Industrial Transformer 2000 kVA (305.415) Indústria de Transformadores Itaipu Ltda.
Pad-mounted Transformer 500 kVA (302.202) Indústria de Transformadores Itaipu Ltda.
Meter Gesis 1.5 Bitron Poland SP. z.o.o. - A Bitron Group Company
Meter Getis 1.5 Bitron Poland SP. z.o.o. - A Bitron Group Company
Central Power Inverters: SG1100UD, SG2200UD, SG3300UD, SG4400UD Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.
Low voltage, multi-core cables of the N1VV-K family Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Low voltage, multi-core cables of the N1VC7V-K and X1151 families Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Low voltage, multi-core cables of the N1VC7V-K family Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Low voltage, multi-core cables of the N1VC7V-K family Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Low voltage, single core cables of the FS17 family Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Low voltage, single core cables of the FS17 family Italian Cable Company S.p.A.
Intelligent Energy Storage Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A.
Solar Grid-tied Inverter Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A.
Hybrid Inverter Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A.
Hybrid Inverter Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A.
FPT1842100, FPT1843100, FPT1844100, FPT1845100, FPT1846100 Matelec SAL
Single-Phase Step-Voltage Regulator – 414 kVA (code 500.150) ITB Equipamentos Elétricos Ltda.
Single-Phase Step-Voltage Regulator – 300 kVA (code 500.086) ITB Equipamentos Elétricos Ltda.
Transformer SFZ-40000/115 Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co.,LTD.
PowerIsland #3 NHOA Energy S.r.l.
PRIMARY CABINS – Prefabricated medium voltage switchboard for frontal or lateral circuit breaker: Monopiano Elettropicena Sud S.r.l.
PRIMARY CABINS – Prefabricated medium voltage switchboard for frontal or lateral circuit breaker: Bipiano Elettropicena Sud S.r.l.
PRIMARY CABINS – Prefabricated medium voltage switchboard with frontal or lateral circuit breaker: NEXT 2Lei+1T (NEXT Family) Elettropicena Sud S.r.l.
Three-phase Hybrid Inverters FOXESS Co., Ltd.
Single-Phase Hybrid Inverters FOXESS Co., Ltd.
Pinggao Tianling N2X-24 Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear-1250A & 2500A Shanghai Pinggao Tianling Switchgear Co., Ltd.
Underground medium and low voltage cables and aerial medium voltage cable Hengtong Optic-Electric co., LTD
Underground high voltage cables Hengtong Optic-Electric co., LTD
Charging Stations: Titan, Venus, Jupiter series Wanbang Digital Energy Co., Ltd.
Nova Charging Stations Wanbang Digital Energy Co., Ltd.
MOFT20 UAB Carlo Gavazzi Industri Kaunas
Transformer – TTO ECO+P 400 KVA 20/8,40 – 0,42/0,242 KV SEA Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A.
Power Transformer TRP-012-1000-0020-B2 TESAR S.r.l.
KOINÈ LAMP BODY Cariboni Group S.p.A.
TPT2020 Standard and TPT2020 Reduced Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
RIO UP 8 Channels Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
OS-UP2020Lite Complete Kit [A] Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
CM-UP2020Lite complete Kit Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
WM-UP2020 L8 Complete Kit, WM-UP2020 L16 Complete Kit Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
UE2020 L8 V2, UE2020 L16 V2 Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
Power supply and battery charger PSBCLite V2 Col Giovanni Paolo S.p.A.
Lithium iron phosphate battery cell-280Ah Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited
MT880–T1 Iskraemeco, d.d.
Power Capacitors Shanghai Sieyuan Power Capacitor Co. Ltd.
Stationary sealed battery code “FLL 200” FIB S.p.A.
Composite Insulators CYG INSULATOR CO,.LTD.
Street lighting equipment, with Eidos M lamp body (analyzed powers 19 W, 49,9 W, 82,1 W) GDS Lighting S.r.l.
Insulator GSCC010/01 and Insulator GSCC010/08 PFISTERER SRL Società Unipersonale
Circuit Breakers: LW30-72.5, LW30-252 (GO), LW30-252 (IO), LW-40.5, ZW40.5, LW30-550(IO), LW30-145(IO), LW30-145(GO), W30-170 (GO), LW30170(IO) Shandong Taikai High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd.
Neutral trainer transformer (TFN) for MV networks NWE PN AL-AL2 (ENEL KC 119070) Newton Trasformatori S.p.A.
Three-phase industrial transformer – 630 kVA (code 335.668) Romagnole Produtos Elétricos S.A.
Pad-mounted transformer – 500 kVA (code 315.082) Romagnole Produtos Elétricos S.A.
Composite Insulators 300587/300648/300659/300782/300016 (990293)/300020/300644/990291(300010)/990292/990294 Xiangyang Guowang Composite Insulators Co., Ltd.
Waybox 4.0 – 3Ph RFID LTE Cable, Waybox 4.0 – 3Ph RFID LTE Socket Bitron Electronic China Company LTD
Meter JOBI-M produced by DUCATI Energia do Brasil DUCATI Energia S.p.A.
Pinggao SF6 Circuit Breaker LW62S-170 PINGGAO GROUP.CO., LTD.
XT4/UE 250/S/25/M/E GSCL003A/1 130001 ABB S.p.A.
Terminal block MD5 4-way sectioning and junction CU95 – AL150 Serial number ENEL 286021 CER POWER SRL
Terminal block MD5 GREEN 4-way sectioning and junction CU95 – AL150 Serial number ENEL 160111 CER POWER SRL
Low voltage electrical panel QE/BT/125 serial number ENEL 160125 spec. GSCL002 CER POWER SRL
SUN2000-330KTL-H1 Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd.
SUN2000-330KTL-H2 Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd.
Ring Main Unit (RMU) GSM001 Messina Energia S.r.l.
Pole disconnector type ENEL GSCM 003/2 Messina Energia S.r.l.
Lithium Battery Energy Storage System 76.8NESP 160/200/250 Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd.
Stationary sealed battery code “FH 12-33” FIB S.p.A.
Meter Nexy-m Bitron Poland SP. z.o.o. - A Bitron Group Company
Alphabet of Light Artemide S.p.A.
Medium voltage 12/20 kV aerial bundled cables Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Italia S.r.l.
Medium voltage 12/20 kV underground cables: ARP1H5EX 3x1x185 mm2, ARP1H5EX 3x1x240 mm2 Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Italia S.r.l.
Low voltage 0,6/1 kV underground cables: ARE4EX 3x1x150+95N mm2, ARE4EX 3x1x240+150N mm2 Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Italia S.r.l.