Product Category Rules

Product Category Rules (PCR) are documents that define the principles and requirements for drafting the EPDs of a specific category of products/services.


In order to allow the market to make a like-for-like comparison of the environmental impacts of the same product/service, it is necessary to establish shared product category rules (PCR), which the various manufacturers must follow when carrying out the life cycle assessment (LCA) in accordance with ISO 14040.
These rules must be drafted in compliance with specific, strict methodological requirements, as they form the basis for the third party verification of the LCA for the purposes of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).



As they have international value, PCR must be implemented through the involvement of the main stakeholders, through the mediation of the Program Operator, on the basis of a public consultation process that guarantees their harmonisation.

In summary:
1) Request to the EPDItaly Program Operator
2) Identification of the product category
3) Involvement of stakeholders and creation of the PCR Committee
4) Drafting of the PCR
5) Publication for public consultation and implementation of results
6) Review of the PCR and its publication.