SILVER cement blocks with wood chips and integrated EPS insulation panel

Name: SILVER cement blocks with wood chips and integrated EPS insulation panel
Company: ISOSPAN Baustoffwerk GmbH, Madling 177 - 5591 Ramingstein (Austria)
Production unit: Madling 177 - 5591 Ramingstein (Austria)
Reference Year: 2015
Type: Cements, Insulating products
Category: construction products

This product EPD refers to SILVER concrete blocks with wood chips and integrated EPS insulating panel and is registered due to the mutual recognition between EPDItaly and Bau EPD GmbH.

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0021
Issue date: 19-Gen-2018
Update date:
Expiry date: 01-Mag-2022
CPC Code: 37

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