S36.5 / 16.5 ÖKOPUR concrete blocks with wood chips with integrated wood fibre insulation

Name: S36.5 / 16.5 ÖKOPUR concrete blocks with wood chips with integrated wood fibre insulation
Company: ISOSPAN Baustoffwerk GmbH, Madling 177 - 5591 Ramingstein (Austria)
Production unit: Madling 177 - 5591 Ramingstein (Austria)
Reference Year: 2015
Type: Cements, Insulating products
Category: construction products

This product EPD refers to S36.5 / 16.5 ÖKOPUR concrete blocks with wood chips and integrated wood fibre insulation and is registered due to the mutual recognition between EPDItaly and Bau EPD GmbH.

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0020
Issue date: 19-Gen-2018
Update date:
Expiry date: 01-Mag-2022
CPC Code: 37

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