Whoever chose EPDItaly tells its story: Metra SpA

Interview with Ing. Andrea Mafezzoni – Head of Engineering & Certifications of METRA SpA.

What are the advantages of a EPD certification for a company?

For METRA the advantages are many: some immediate and easy to recognize, others more hidden. Among the many, the most immediate is undoubtedly the fact of being able to communicate and demonstrate with data at hand the sustainability of its products based on objective and internationally recognized criteria. At the company level, the EPD also represents the right reward for the many investments and efforts made over the years to improve the sustainability of the production process and, therefore, of the products: energy monitoring of production lines with consequent optimization of consumption, recovery and transformation of waste material, internal waste management, choice of materials are just some of the areas involved and have been improved over time.

What are the reasons that led you to EPDItaly?

The decision to rely on EPDItaly was, we could say, the natural consequence of wanting to push Made In Italy into this area too. We were looking not only for a dynamic and internationalization-oriented program operator, but also and above all a trusted, competent, Italian partner with whom to face this adventure. We are happy with the choice because in a few months we have witnessed the desire of EPD Italy to make, to be there, to communicate and to promote various themes, some purely Italian, others of international scope.

Do you think that EPDItaly can contribute to spreading the culture of product sustainability?

EPDItaly certainly already plays a role of primary importance in this sense and can do it even more in the future. Even the companies that own the EPD testify to the sustainability of their products and are spokespersons for their usual partners. In the future, a much closer collaboration between EPDItaly and these companies would be interesting with the organization of joint events or actions aimed at this purpose.

In your opinion, how important is the presence of sustainable products made in Italy within a Program Operator that makes the international network one of its strengths?

It is undoubtedly very important because EPDItaly becomes the vehicle to make the quality of Made in Italy products known or even abroad, also from a sustainability perspective.