Who chose EPDItaly tells its story: Fibre Net Spa

Interview with the CEO of Fibre Net Spa, a leading manufacturer of fiber-reinforced composite materials.

Fibre Net is a company that, for more than 20 years, has been developing and producing certified solutions and systems for structural reinforcement, improvement and seismic retrofitting in Italy.

The company has decided to rely on EPDItaly to obtain EPD certification for its materials.

In this regard, we interviewed the CEO of Fibre Net Spa, Cecilia Zampa, who told us about the motivations behind Fibre Net’s decision to adopt EPD certification and what are the advantages of this document.

What are the main motivations that pushed you toward voluntary EPD certification?

As a manufacturer of composite materials, we have been innovating for more than 20 years. In the traditional building sector, we were the first to introduce, precisely, innovative elements such as glass and carbon fibers to replace traditional ones. Today we are recognized as the market leader in the production of fiber-reinforced composite materials.

If research and innovation are part of our DNA, sustainability represents for us not only a value driver but also a social responsibility so much so that we believe that each of our products placed in the construction supply chain represents in itself an ethical and responsible choice, respectful of environmental protection.

The market is evolving and so is our awareness and focus in the continuous improvement of our systems, so we have long since decided to focus not only on the mechanical performance and durability of our products, but also on their environmental impact. We voluntarily embarked on the path of EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) certification to offer the construction supply chain a tool to ensure the value and recognition of our products from the environmental point of view as well.

We were among the first to go down this path as well because, while traditional building materials have been the focus of attention in the context of sustainability for years, products like ours have only recently become involved in these dynamics. We decided to deal with these issues as early as possible in order to maintain a prominent position also from the point of view of environmental attention, through a tool that would be as objective as possible in a market that for innovative materials, I personally still perceive as confused.

Today, the increasing focus on the quality of materials and construction techniques directs toward a sustainability approach. This we believe represents an opportunity to be seized by the construction world; the PNRR itself as much as the PAs require special attention to precisely these materials and construction techniques through measurable tools, and EPD certification allows us to meet these requirements. Here is where obtaining certification from an accredited third party allows us to demonstrate the validity of our products’ results and provide an assessment tool for designers

Which product(s) from your company has/have obtained EPD? What are its main characteristics?

We started with a “product” with which the company was born and to which, for that reason, we are particularly attached; it is RI-STRUCTURE or the CRM system of consolidation and reinforcement of masonry in existing buildings. As you can see, it is not a single product, but consists of a series of elements that were qualified precisely to be able to offer the market a structural reinforcement system that was actually consistent with the principles of sustainability outlined in the EPD.

This is a first step. Ours is a path in the making. In fact, we also have many other materials in the qualification process; our goal is to certify as many products as possible to provide our stakeholders with greater objectivity for their construction choices.


What are the main benefits gained from publishing the Environmental Product Declaration? What are the impacts on the end consumer?

The advantage is mainly that of having objective visibility of the environmental impact characteristics of products. This is not our interpretation but follows what is dictated by the UNI EN ISO 14025:2010 standard that provides recognized tools for the evaluation of the product itself. Being direct producers, we are fortunate to be able to control our entire production process: from the choice of raw materials to the final recycling route, and this allows us to have a monitored supply chain that is always of quality, as a guarantee for our customers.

This is particularly true for the designer, but also for companies because, at a time when the technology behind the design choice also needs to be certified, using a source material that possesses certain certified characteristics is of great help.

This is all part of a long process of raising awareness and creating a sustainable culture that is leading to “zero waste” factories and facilities where there is no waste of resources and energy.

For us, the end consumer is the designer of a business, but then it can become the private citizen who, in a sustainable housing context, can benefit.


Do you think EPDItaly can help spread the culture of product sustainability?

Absolutely. EPD intends to promote the culture of sustainability, and we, as a company, decided to certify with EPDItaly precisely because the resonance and basis of assessment is shared internationally.

To be able to present ourselves, to those who are looking with interest toward this market, with an internationally recognized certification is of great importance and, at the same time, it is essential to have technical staff and consultants who attest to our commitment at all stages of production in compliance with current regulations and good practices.


How important, in your opinion, is the presence of Italian sustainable products within a Program Operator that makes international networking one of its strengths?

The Italian technical culture to which we belong has enormous value abroad. We are involved in the development of materials and structural reinforcement systems that are widely used in earthquake-resistant design, addressing both domestic and international markets. Combining Italy’s recognized great expertise in terms of the development of anti-seismic technologies with the theme of sustainability is an excellent combination. This makes it possible to strengthen the two souls in the same Italian spirit: the one concerning safety technology and the one concerning sustainability.