The world of furniture lands on EPDItaly

The technology-sustainability combination represents the challenge of recent decades. In fact, there is a thread that connects these two worlds: innovation, of which EPDItalia is the bearer with the new PCR for the Furnishings sector.
We announce that on the EPDItaly website it is possible to consult the Core-Product Category Rules (PCR) to be used for the development of EPDs for indoor and outdoor furniture, to offer organizations that wish to implement a business strategy a translatable competitive advantage in shared value for the community, the territory and the ecosystem itself in which a company operates.
The development of the document, proposed by ICMQ, saw the participation of a large group of stakeholders including numerous universities (Aldo Moro University of Bari; Reggio Calabria Mediterranean University, Marche Polytechnic University, Siena University), LCA professionals, representatives of the sector such as FEDERLEGNO ARREDO, and the contribution of MASE – Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety.
The multiplicity of actors in the PCR panel is testimony to the ferment in the world of furniture, aimed at finding solutions that combine sustainability, technology and design, showing attention to materials, production processes and product performance. The PCR tool fits into this framework and allows the environmental impacts of products to be measured according to common rules to enhance the organizations that choose sustainable solutions.